Tail Risk Hedge Funds

Tail Risk Hedge Funds Fix the roof while the sun is shining. April 2020. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARY Tail risk funds tend to be most in demand when they are least attractive Short-term bonds provided similar benefits to tail risk funds...

Venture Capital: Worth Venturing Into?

Venture Capital: Worth Venturing Into?Replicating Venture Capital Returns February 2020. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARY Venture capital returns are likely to be overstated Top-performing VC funds generated attractive returns, but are...

Do Activists Investors Create Value?

Do Activists Investors Create Value?Analysing the Performance of Activist Investors November 2019. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARY Shareholder activism has not grown from a campaign or AUM perspective recently Activist funds have not...

The Case Against REITS

The Case Against REITS Are Real Estate Stocks Attractive for Diversification? November 2019. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARY Real estate stocks featured moderate correlations to stock markets over the last 30 years However, diversification...