Factor Construction: Portfolio Scenarios

Factor Construction: Portfolio ScenariosHow Many Stocks Are Needed to Capture Factor Returns? November 2017. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARYMost researchers create factor portfolios by taking the top & bottom 30% of stocks, which results...

Quant Strategies in the Cryptocurrency Space

Quant Strategies in the Cryptocurrency SpaceFactor Investing in the Wild West of Financial Markets November 2017. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARYCryptocurrencies have reached a market capitalisation of > $150bnBacktesting quantitative...

Hedge Fund Factor Exposure & Alternatives

Hedge Fund Factor Exposure & AlternativesAlternatives to Alternative Investments? November 2017. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARY Equity hedge fund returns have been disappointing over the last 14 years An exposure analysis shows no...

Resist the Siren Call of High Dividend Yields

Resist the Siren Call of High Dividend YieldsThe Dividend Factor Tends to Yield Negative Returns October 2017. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARY Buying high yielding and selling low yielding stocks has been an attractive strategy since 2000...

Factor Returns: Small vs Large Caps

Factor Returns: Small vs Large CapsAre Factor Returns Limited to Small Caps? October 2017. Reading Time: 10 Minutes. Author: Nicolas Rabener. SUMMARY A frequent criticism of factor investing is that factor returns are stronger in small caps Our research highlights...